I'd like to thank all those unknown poet's,
Who have written over the years,
For giving us such wonderful poetry.
who plays an elfin tune.
In the sunlight and the moth-light
And underneath the moon;
If you know how to listen
You're sure to hear him soon.
By hedge and barn and woodland,
In city street or square,
You'll catch the pixie-piping,
Like star-dust in the air,
Of the little shy musician so gay,
So debonair.
He cares not how you seek him,
In rags or tags or lace;
You may limp out a beggar,
Or ride in royal grace;
He will not flute his fancy
Unless he likes your face.
He will not play for silver,
He will not play for gold;
He will not play man or maid
Who's heart is waxing cold;
But if you love to listen
You'll never quite grow old.
Poet unknown
Poetry by Alan J Ripley
Read 38 times
Written on 2025-01-08 at 00:48
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Who have written over the years,
For giving us such wonderful poetry.
THE PIXIE PIPER. by a unknown poet (5)
There is a little piperwho plays an elfin tune.
In the sunlight and the moth-light
And underneath the moon;
If you know how to listen
You're sure to hear him soon.
By hedge and barn and woodland,
In city street or square,
You'll catch the pixie-piping,
Like star-dust in the air,
Of the little shy musician so gay,
So debonair.
He cares not how you seek him,
In rags or tags or lace;
You may limp out a beggar,
Or ride in royal grace;
He will not flute his fancy
Unless he likes your face.
He will not play for silver,
He will not play for gold;
He will not play man or maid
Who's heart is waxing cold;
But if you love to listen
You'll never quite grow old.
Poet unknown
Poetry by Alan J Ripley

Read 38 times
Written on 2025-01-08 at 00:48

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