Lesson 5

Everyone forgets that Icarus also flew.
They’ve attached the word “tragedy”
to his tale, but did they know what thoughts
flooded his brain as he reached above
what any man or mortal had, at that point,
ever done? No, they simply saw the fall,
and nodded, sighed, or even laughed.
Then called it a “tragedy.”
The same can be said of us. So many
of our friends said it would never work.
We were too different, they said. Some had words
for me. Some had words for you. And when
we reached their conclusion, all their words were same.
We knew it. We knew it. They didn’t know shit.
They just saw the fall, then called it “obvious.”
Assigning their notion to our story.
They never saw your eyes light up after
each kiss. They never heard the way
your voice went deep then high each time
you said I love you. They never felt
your body pressed to mine, as if
we were the only two to ever exist.
Nothing about us was “obvious.”
I don’t think we were a “tragedy.”
We burned bright and reached the highest heights
any man or mortal, at that point,
had ever done. I don’t believe we fell.
Just came to the end of our triumph.

Poetry by Sameen The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 94 times
Written on 2024-07-25 at 08:39

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Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Nailed it! This is a fine poem, intelligent, coherent, well realized.

one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
Astute, original, smacks of truth and self-awareness, beautifully written.