Today I read a sentence,
That I think applies to me.
For my reality is never tidy,
It always turns about on me.

For my reality is never what it seems,
Though thoughts are broken at the seams.
I wander through life always in a dream,
Where the reality of here and know,
Is nothing as it seems.

Observing other's as the days go on,
Does that make me a peeping tom.
As they live their life's without a care,
Guess I did that when I was young;
Blissfully unaware.

That time holds a scythe,
Over our way of life.
Ready to cut away at the seams,
If and when reality seeps in.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 78 times
Written on 2024-08-11 at 12:01

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