Ekphrastic poetry based on E. Munch’s

Yellow Log (Theme Challenge)

A fog settles upon the yellow log,
Its bark a memory of forest’s edge.
Silent sentinel upon the bog,
Nature’s tale from life to fallen pledge.

The biting wind sings its wailing dirge,
Whose fingers pluck and scrape and snap at time.
A yellow log, the center of the surge,
In Munch’s world, a frozen pantomime.

Once upon a breath so dreary cold,
The banal landscape stripped of life’s embrace.
Yet there, a yellow log, its story told,
A beacon of existence and its grace.

Morning breaks, the golden shafts of dawn,
The yellow log, still steadfast, carries on.

Poetry by arquious The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 76 times
Written on 2024-10-30 at 11:25

Tags Ekphrastic  Theme  Challenge 

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Uncle Meridian The PoetBay support member heart!
Bravo. I like the succession of punchy verbs in the 2nd line of the second stanza most especially.