I'd be grateful for your comments on this piece.  ???




So she stepped through the doorway, walked just two paces forward
And there it was again, Just as it had been in Rome all those years ago:
Nothing. Just a blank frightened and lost mind, relesased into air.
Though her head turned left and right and the scene entered her eyes
There was no recognition. All she was aware of was her heart beat:
Adrenaline boosted heart beats so strong each one shook her chest.
Moments before, determined to start this new life without him,
She had mentally poured the dregs of their love down a sink drain.
Was is some kind of portent, this blankness? This absence?
In Rome it had been out of her front door and BANG... nothingness:
No recognition of where she was. Of neighbours saying "Buongiorno".
It froze her then, just as it did now, fearful of stepping forward
In case she became forever lost, forever wandering through strange streets.
The elderly man who tentatively approached her asked if she was okay?
She didn't hear him, she was lost. Lost in every conceivable way.
There was just nothing.  The man touched her arm, and instantly
She was back in Glasgow. Back into her mind and body. What? Oh I'm okay,
She professed, just so she could walk away and start this adventure.
But with every step there would ever be this fear, this dread,
That nothingness would suddenly strike again and she would become lost.


© Griffonner 2024



Poetry by Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 118 times
Written on 2024-10-30 at 16:52

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arquious The PoetBay support member heart!
Reminds me of ailments that would attack a person's cognitive faculties. The opening reminded me of a somewhat lost princess in Rome of Roman Holiday fame. Its lines evoke a world that explores the more complex layers of fear—hints at the challenges and progression of mental illness and basic anxiety. Ultimately, it strikes a chord, serving as a tender reminder of how emotional connections both enrich and overshadow our lives.