awakening (haiku cluster)

Chill spreads through the land,
Branches bare, skies hold their breath,
Snow's touch soon to come.

Frost whispers softly,
Bare earth awaits its white cloak,
Winter’s gift unfolds.

In twilight’s quiet,
Hope stirs with each frosty breath,
Snowfall's gentle kiss.

Trees reach silent arms,
Night's first flake drifts to the ground,
World awakens bright.

Hearts lift in stillness,
Snow's embrace brings tranquil glow,
Dim days find new light.




Poetry by arquious The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 49 times
Written on 2024-11-21 at 09:32

Tags Haiku  Haikucluster  Galateus 

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Five lovely Haiku’s, it’s very apt here at the moment, I’m shivering. My favourite is the fourth, I have the visual.

alarian The PoetBay support member heart!
a poem as we are used to, classical and beautiful