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beats arquious 2023-06-08
Echoes in my Mind (a haiku) Ducks 2022-09-04
Lobster Tot (1) Emily Cowgill 2020-05-22
Pine Cone (1) Emily Cowgill 2020-05-18
Splender Try (1) Emily Cowgill 2020-04-01
Stray Count Emily Cowgill 2020-03-27
Temper Sage Emily Cowgill 2020-03-25
Caught the Sill Emily Cowgill 2020-03-24
Stink the Cray (4) Emily Cowgill 2020-03-08
Laughter (1) Neelima 2011-09-17
Haiku ~ All are One (4) LordParzifal 2009-10-24
Hearts (3) Bella738 2009-09-13
time goes on (tanka) Jer 2009-07-06
On haikus (2) Caprice 2009-04-13
Two late night haiku poems (2) Bob 2008-11-30
4 Summer Haiku (2) Rapscallion 2008-08-04
Emo bumblebees Rapscallion 2008-06-06
changes (haiku) (1) Jer 2007-12-16
colors (haiku) (4) Jer 2007-10-05
spring desire Jer 2007-07-30

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