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Bella73849 years old from |
Flying Blind - 2015-10-20
Drums (2) - 2015-10-20
Hearts Strength Unknown (1) - 2015-04-29
Blessings :) (4) - 2009-09-13
STORM BIRDS (3) - 2009-04-27
MY TEXTS, Archive 23 Texts
Stay in your own lane - 2019-10-22
Hands across the sand - 2019-02-08
Mallee (4) - 2018-10-18
Life (2) - 2016-02-16
Sinking Again (5) - 2016-02-12
Flying Blind - 2015-10-20
Drums (2) - 2015-10-20
Hearts Strength Unknown (1) - 2015-04-29
Hope (2) - 2013-09-02
Fear (2) - 2013-08-20
Moonlight (2) - 2013-01-21
Rain (1) - 2010-09-03
Be Careful (1) - 2010-05-05
Hearts (3) - 2009-09-13
Blessings :) (4) - 2009-09-13
Love Let Go (1) - 2009-09-13
Waiting (1) - 2009-09-10
Smothered (2) - 2009-08-06
Kayaking (4) - 2009-06-12
Torn Apart (1) - 2009-05-01
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