MEEP ( a drone apart)

When meep stood up tall,
He reached around five feet.
But when he talks no one listens,
For all he seems to say is meep.

He's favourite past time of all,
Is to crawl into a ball;
Then go back to sleep.
Apart from when he's awake,
Then his favourite is to eat.

He's a biological accident,
That's different from the drones.
He doesn't want to go to war,
But he will to kill his own.

For his kind are a waring race,
Destroying populations to survive.
To which meep was horrified.
Even though there were plenty
of planets that they could live.

Meeps race had a hive mind,
The queen he knew he had to find.
For she controls his race,
Or earth would be a nuclear waste.

Meep like his many brothers,
Breathed in nuclear waste,
And breathed out air.
On world's they destroyed,
There was only one meep that cared.

They moved to each world anew,
No one could stop there might.
For the tech that they stole,
Ment that they were unstoppable,
In each and every fight.

Being a telepathic race,
Was how she controls her drones.
And those she couldn't control,
She used her pheromones.

That was where meep was different,
Different from the rest of his race.
He was the only one who could,
Free his kind from being enslaved.

Meep waited patiently while he
travelled across this land.
For what he thought he was worth,
He new that she would come,
With her drones to destroy this earth.

Meep decided he wouldn't let that happen,
In his mind he had a plan.
For he would be his people's saviour,
On a planet destroyed by man.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 44 times
Written on 2024-12-09 at 02:09

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