Anna Mazurek
before it gets into his soul?
Before it slowly poisons him
enabling evils seed
in his mind to grow
How much evil
can a man stand
before all that's good within
him, has run out of hope?
Before darkness
falls upon his world
and destruction
becomes all he knows.
How much evil can a man stand
before it turns him
into the very same thing
that he himself
once used to hate?
Poetry by AnnaMazurek
Read 1160 times
Written on 2006-07-08 at 16:28
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Anna Mazurek
How Much Evil (can a man stand?)
How much evil can a man standbefore it gets into his soul?
Before it slowly poisons him
enabling evils seed
in his mind to grow
How much evil
can a man stand
before all that's good within
him, has run out of hope?
Before darkness
falls upon his world
and destruction
becomes all he knows.
How much evil can a man stand
before it turns him
into the very same thing
that he himself
once used to hate?
Poetry by AnnaMazurek
Read 1160 times
Written on 2006-07-08 at 16:28

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