december 2004

Anna Mazurek

What does a mother see?

What does a mother see
as she looks upon her son?

He who killed so many men,
he who slew them in cold blood.

What does a mother see
when she looks into his eyes?

Can she see the murderer
in the face of her own child?

* * *

What does a mother see
as she looks upon her son?

He who took a girl with force,
he who raped a girl so young.

Now, what does a mother see
when she looks into his eyes?

Can she see the brutal beast
in the face of her own child?

Poetry by AnnaMazurek
Read 1164 times
Written on 2006-07-08 at 16:31

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No Mother can imagine ya see her child 2 be dis much cruel and evil.... y did yo get dis idea and why did yo write in dis way... dont yo think mom's love is d greatest gift in this whole world.?

Amanda K
That provokes many questions and answers. I love the theme here and thank you for sharing it.

Esti D-G
WOW! Tough question.
As a Mum I see it from her side, and I'm sure he didn't slay in cold blood but the rage and heat of war.

Brilliant work. Keep it up! loadzaluv esti