CHUFFED (Addians)

Watchde a Fench T. V. dramer
As like most Brits, I do not
Speck French - forchantly for me

It has subtiles!
A major fult!

In the T. V.Dramor - Tittal -
The Trigger
An auther - Stefan Zweig
A Jewish Austrian writer
Nov 28th 1881 - 22nd Feb 1942


Throughout the dramor his books

Are refferd to or menshand

Affter I watchde all the eposdes
I put Stefans Zweigs name on my mobill phone

In the morning I hot footed to catch The Loop
Up I went to my favearet book store
To see dear Clear - to ask if any of Stefan Zweig

Books were on the shelf's

And presto, Clair, found fure!
I was chuffed to bits!
Now I have an even deeper appesatatan of the French dramore!


Kenny D. Williams

The Dydexic Wordsmith Ov Thanet


Poetry by ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 39 times
Written on 2025-02-04 at 10:55

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Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Sometimes ken I feel they don't give the author
Enough credit on some tv programs and films
If they mention their names at all
It's normally in the smallest print