I wrote it when i wanted to shout out but .............

Don't Listen To Me!

I told you to 'leave me alone',
i told you to 'keep the phone',
i told you 'i don't need you',
but actually 'i do'.
You've heard what i said,
but you don't know what i'm thinking,
because you can't see!
I'll tell you- don't listen to me!!
When i'm mad at you,
just hold me tight,
because i've lost my ability to think right.
If i'm leaving you,
hold me back!
As my mind is then, not on track.
What i'm thinking you can't see,
but i'll tell you-don't listen to me!!
If i say i don't care,
maybe to you i'm not being fair.
If i say 'i'm alright'
and if atleast YOU haven't lost your sight,
then open your eyes and see,
that you mean 'alot' to me.
But you don't know what i'm thinking,
so just 'please' don't listen to me!!

Poetry by nausheen
Read 935 times
Written on 2006-07-15 at 15:35

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well written dear frnd :)

This was wonderful ;)
So beautiful :)

To be heard
meaningful words of expressions
I hear you :)

Okay I wont listen to you... lol. But your special someone will sure listen to this one!!

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
awww he is bound to love you and listen to you with poetry like this
well done

rgds mike