My friends...

I'm sitting by the lakeside
On a breezy summer day
Holding my fishing pole wearily
I'm waiting for my prey

My feet are splish-splashing
in the water beneath me
I'm looking at the mirror below
A girl smiling back at me

She asks me, Why do I see you alone?
Don't you have a friend, who tags along?
The night always comes with the stars,
The morning always brings the sun.

You are right, I said.
But sometimes the clouds don't let you see
the stars in the sky
But you know the stars are there

You are right, I said.
But sometimes the rains don't let you see
the sun in the sky
But you know the sun is there

So are my friends, you see.
You may not see them with me all the time
Cuz many things keep them away
But they are always there with me, I said smiling away.

Poetry by Shraddha Manvi
Read 635 times
Written on 2006-08-20 at 09:01

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a very good poem indeed ,
i n-joyed it a lot, hugs to u :))

This is so heartwarming and touching..bravo!