Walk in the woods

A walk in the woods with you
My steps matching with yours
I try to keep pace with you
My heartbeat in harmony with yours

The lush verdant soothing our eyes
The gentle breeze playing among the leaves
The woody scent freshening as spring
The soft earth beneath our feet

The silence deafening in our ears
The hushed whispers between us
I want to keep walking with you
Till the end of this journey and beyond...

Poetry by Shraddha Manvi
Read 830 times
Written on 2007-03-22 at 05:15

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Zoya Zaidi
what a beautiful write!
Full of faith in love!
By the way your name, Shraddha, also means 'Faith' in Sanskrit!
Welcome to the bay dear Shraddha!
((hugs for the tender write)))
May you always walk besides him, with your hearts keeping pace with each others...
Love, Zoya