Joey and Jeremiah

There is always time
- What's the hurry?
- Come on!
- There is a day to morrow...
- As thrue as my name is Joey, I vill remember!

Much later
There is always time
- What's the hurry?
- Come on!
- There is a day to morrow...
- Did you send the flowers?
- Joey was my best friend.
- Thrust me. I will. Wery soon.
- As thrue as my name is Jeremiah, I won`t forget...

Poetry by Leif H T Strand
Read 723 times
Written on 2006-09-07 at 11:14

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betsy Firefly
Live and love to day. Tomorrow may be too late!

Hi leif!

Amanda K
That was smart.

keith nunes
intriguing and beguiling poem. you have a voice