Crawling in to the thick shell of a woman

Let's face it:

Let's face it:

I am quite good looking
In the dark, that is
Since you see it as your quest to make me happy,
I hear it all the time

But in the morning,
when you swallow your disgusting Hot Dog,
I'm just a decoration, big enough to hide the dishes,
which you as always will do everything to awoid

Two hours later
In bed
I don't understand what he sees in me?
Why don't he care for his wife?
It really don't matter

Maybe I'm just one of those women?
Or: Maybe I'm just good looking in the dark?

Or: Maybe I'm just a poem?

Poetry by Leif H T Strand
Read 827 times
Written on 2006-09-23 at 12:11

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Amanda K
loooool, who ever you are just face it. that was cool.

Zoya Zaidi
The last line hits you really.
May be just using a beloved for a muse?
