You never know who you are until you see into a mirror...

Philosophy in the woods

In the night of owls one voice is louder than the rest
In fact:
- There are no other voices

I don't know what makes me sit on a bed of roots, formed in to a shape of that rocking chair my grandmother used to tell fairytales about...

According to the legend, there once was creatures called "Nickheads", small representatives of the human race.

My grandmother told me that the nickheads used to sit on old rootbeds in the summer, looking at us, "the ordinary people".

I dont see the point.

What could be so remarkable with us?

It is april.
Kind of cold so I take my tail, sweep the roots so that they look clean and tidy.

Time to go home.
I love my old oaktree...

Poetry by Leif H T Strand
Read 902 times
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Written on 2006-09-25 at 10:08

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Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
This text has been chosen to be featured on the front page of PoetBay. Thank you for posting it on our poetry website.

betsy Firefly
When we fill our heats with thr Truth and God's love, there may be a point. A huge one!

Amanda K
Dear, it's a good piece of writing and i wonder when are you gonna write the way, is it human race not rase,no offense.


Zoya Zaidi
Sorry this repetition is not intentional... my key got stuck.
I am not the one to point out technical flaws it the text. I look at the content. But since you are so particular about rhyme and rhythm, judging from your comment on my poem 'Lessons learnt from life'
Probably what you want to say here is Human 'Race', not 'rase'?
I will not talk about the lack of Rhythm here...

Zoya Zaidi
"I dont see the point."

Exactly, niether do I !

Zoya Zaidi
"I dont see the point."

Exactly, niether do I !

Zoya Zaidi
"I dont see the point."

Exactly, niether do I !

Zoya Zaidi
"I dont see the point."

Exactly, niether do I !

Zoya Zaidi
"I dont see the point."

Exactly, niether do I !

Zoya Zaidi
"I dont see the point."

Exactly, niether do I !

Zoya Zaidi
"I dont see the point."

Exactly, niether do I !