Based on the song from "The Beach". "Lonely souls" by U.N.K.L.E. An answer to Rob's challenge. Sorry I was delayed.

Shall I tell you my dream

Shall I tell you my dream,
It is like any other dream,
A mixture of people, figures,words, songs and metaphors,
All meaning something and nothing,
And yet we try so hard to keep them in tact,
And in memory of who and what we are striving to be,

Anyway, once again in the dead night, it calls for me to play,
But I want more than that, I want to stay,
To live it, to be it,
In that fantasy land, created so long ago,
A door that leads anywhere,

To a war, of all things peace and happiness,
Peace wants to be gentle with its angels and mystic song,
While happiness wants to smile with its beings and wonderful mythical creations,
But they are not the ignitors of this flame,
But the true instigator is the metaphor,
The metaphor can mean anything,
And with that gift, it plays peace and happiness both,
With persuausion and even, reason,

I come in just when the debate begins,
I stop the heat with these words,

A angel needs wings to fly,
As beings need their dreams,
Unicorns and phoenixes are real,
We see them in this world, every second,
A twist of word might change meaning,
But never feeling of it,
And that is what we must seek,
The beauty of love creates our figures,
Engraved so deep into our hearts, that sometimes,
Just sometimes, we can draw them,
No matter what state we might be in, mind that is,
And with this, you will end this debate,

The sun shined upon all of us,
We packed up our self-created logic,
And just kept working on our love,
Flying amongst each other creating,
Out of pure imagination,
Onto a new world,
And there it was, a familiar street in New York,
A bar in Spain,
The beaches of the Bahamas,
The city of Stuttgart,
All shining through the darkest door,
I want to touch it, I want to enter,
But there is a ring, a all too familiar ring,

And the eyes awoke,
But the mind tries and fails to save the files,
Written off as meaningless babble,
But it's all that makes us whole,
In dreams, I make reality, fantasy,
In life it's the other way around,
Be prepared,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 843 times
Written on 2006-09-09 at 02:08

Tags Fantasy 

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Ariel Bennett
I really do love this poem. I appluad you on this and after this poem I hope that all your poems are as perfect as this one.

Ok tell me....I love to hear of all that from you!!!very beautiful poem!!!!kissess

Kathy Lockhart
Oh yes tell me your dreams for they are beautiful. The magic of this is effervescent, filled with hope, and pure loveliness. :) kathy