Sound of Silence

Deafening Silence reverberates...
Through a vacuum,
Shrieking through the distance,
In a cold cold room.

Ever blasting, forever lasting....
Silence never seemed so lambasting.

Sighs laid to lifeless turmoil,
Left in silence, treacherously embroiled..
Wishes drown in the endless ocean,
Sound of silence ceases their motion...

Ever blasting, forever lasting....
Silence never seemed so lambasting.

Words scattered by the wayside,
Left in the open, nowhere to hide...
Unused, estranged, nothing left to say,
Silence takes over, Words decay.

Ever blasting, forever lasting....
Silence never seemed so lambasting.

Reasons divide, hurt inside,
Loud arguments curled up and died,
Silence left them choking by the wayside...
Stabbed by its blade, even darkness cried.

Ever blasting, forever lasting....

Poetry by Umang
Read 1018 times
Written on 2006-09-12 at 14:59

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