A blind future, a void that is just not there

The Abyss

I stand before
a blind future
eclipsed not by
mere darkness
but a void
that is just
not there.

I think coldly
so inescapable
molten memories
forged by the
hammer of death
will not
burn so deep
within my
prison of grief
as to touch
any feelings.

I hear echoes
of vision, hope,
and laughter,
they are sullied,
mute, and dull.

I walk through
waves of emptiness,
deeper than any
numbness of body,
amidst urban canyons
of granite and steel,
where glazed glass eyes,
reflect refuge
in obscurity.

Within that madness,
moments of lucidity,
and transformation,
to curse the mallet
dreams awaken in the night,
praying to be free.

Poetry by Bruce Sommer
Read 1120 times
Written on 2006-09-22 at 11:53

Tags Dark  Death  Madness 

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excellent expression of grief and depression...i know this despair and it is indeed mute and dull....read my poem 'entombed' it is another expression of loss

wonderfully written though dark