A mirror of self-induced anesthesia

Blue Daze

Reflections of mostly empty moments, a collection of
"what once was", still full of sunlight,
haunt me.

With vague stares eyes dart and twitch, dark ravens of mind
searching for coherent memories of happiness,
ripe berries to pluck from the blurred gray backdrop of life.

Barely eating, or caring, subsisting on the grapes of solitude,
anything you can microwave, pour, or eat straight out of a box.

Once green house plants struggle near dormancy,
easy life compared to sad dogs loyally waiting
for attention or a walk.

The humming lights and electronic babble
accent gathering balls of dust,
stale air, and countertop stains.

Pungent vines grasp and choke,
yet another slumbered night
as purpled eyes fall,
dreaming to awake.

Poetry by Bruce Sommer
Read 869 times
Written on 2008-09-29 at 23:21

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