your spirit is always here for me to see

Empowerment of Now

Time, a fog that shrouds my heart; a fragile wisp of thread and my last connection to what remains of you.

Being in the moment unlocks the universe if only for a glint.

The meditation of this now reveals iridescent bubbles of time. They dance in the sun off the ocean's skin forming patterns of light and shadow.

Immersion in those rhythms of light slows my mind and allows my senses to absorb the space between the reflection and wave, stirring a cellular déjà  vu; as awareness molts, stretches, and a link forms to the eternal patterns of earth and life.

Existence's essence, awareness, and participation in moments of now merge past and future into one. There is a peace in feeling your presence smile as our souls converge in this elusive place.

If past or future cloud my sight; your spirit is always here for me to see.

I yearn to embrace this gift and feel your energy in the quiet fleeting spaces of now.

Poetry by Bruce Sommer
Read 775 times
Written on 2008-09-29 at 23:24

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