The Small Things

In my few years of living,
I have always found,
Its the little things that matter,
The pennies, not the pounds.

From a simple pencil,
can come words of legend told,
can come words of beauty, or evil,
words of young or old.

And from a simple touch or smile,
can come the greatest feeling
acceptance, recognition,
an emotion quite appealing

And from a smile the young girl found,
that a friend truly is the cure
she felt wanted, even loved for once,
A feeling she did not often endure

The note on a simple piece of paper
said "lets be friends"
now to her this was the GREATEST gift
So she began to make amends

And so here ends our tale,
of the girl who wished to die,
who then found a friend,
and no longer felt so shy

And now she is so happy,
since her feelings began to lift
And this story i have told does prove,
love truly is then greatest gift.

Poetry by gemma
Read 1511 times
Written on 2006-10-02 at 17:06

Tags Happiness  Love  Friendship 

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Zoya Zaidi
Hey, words of wisdom galore!
Now, I wnt to say three words:
"Let us be friends"
Would you oblige?

Beautiful! This is one of my favorites now. Thank you!

Aww, so beautiful Gem!!!

Truly.... very deep! :)
The small things do matter a lot!!

Love ya lil' sis!!

Ur big sis' forever...

