
Hangs over me like a noose
So wrong, so wrong
I can hear them
Echoing down the hall
Like stabs in the dark
Out in the sunlight I'm burnt
God's grace has left me
Standing on this footpath
Tearing at my hair
Buckets of blood
Wash over me
I'm killed, I'm killed
Oh but so slowly!
Are they staring?
Stripped bare
I crawl into a bar
The devil calls me
Guitars, blondes,
Judge me not,
Not again!
I swallow the fire
Breathe in hell
Twist and turn
In the smoke
I'm seared, I'm seared
Bitterly brother
Read the gospel to me
Before it's too late
The righteous rally
Oh no, she's coming
Over, please not me
And I begin to drown
Can't breathe, she's
Taking my air
By force
She gets me up there
And I'm whipped,
I'm whipped into line
Judge me not,
Not again!

Poetry by loomer
Read 566 times
Written on 2006-10-10 at 02:49

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Kathy Lockhart
there is a heaviness i feel reading this. that judgment hanging like a noose, who is she? does she hold the keys to perfection? Do we find comfort in the dark corners of the world because those with the light want to knock us in the head with it? Sure have me caught up in this piece, loomer. Well done.

lol Sorry loomer, but this reminded me of my ex so much, I couldn't stop laughing!lol All I can say is, you should definitely not mess with a female writer again, especially the poetic type!lol Just a guess. Great poem by the way. Nice to meet your honest mail poet work!lol Pun intended. Things are never as they seem, so Judging is actually a complete waste of time imo. Smiling at you, Tai