In a State

In a state, I was
Energised, agitated
Borderline psychotic
Apocalyptic visions scrawled
Across the walls in red
Little pink men striding
To and from the toilet
The bath full of sea water
And a seal snoozing on the mat
The kitchen fire has taken
Hold and the place is
Filling with smoke
I dive out the lounge
Window and land in
The swimming pool
Armed Maoist guerillas
Line the property and
A helicopter is coming
In to land. It was then
I thought to swallow
A pill and the circus
Just went away.

Poetry by loomer
Read 658 times
Written on 2006-10-12 at 12:15

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I just hope it wasn't ambien you swallowed ...he he
now rest my dear, its all going to be fine, just fine.


keith nunes
one wild ride dude!