
Puffy little pioneer with his gun

Puffy little pioneer with his gun
Demonstrating rabbit traps in
The fecund hinterland to old
Maids with milk pails
A dictionary will come in handy
When they start the school, the
Bellicose barber volunteers
He likes the girls – pretty little
Girls, he has to be watched, says
The pastor to the farmer who
Nods and tells his wife who
Tells the women who stare at
The barber with chilling eyes.

Cold killed Clarissa Bell on
The first of the month, she
Was being buried as Tardy
The trapper, disheveled, grimy,
Came looking for a wife.
Among the throng steps
Forward Becky the
Blacksmith's daughter –
They are an item, they
Are married, she is pregnant,
She has twins.

The barber reared up on the
Third of the month, He
Preyed on Samantha Best
But three of the boys
Went to her rescue and
The barber has left –
No one will cut hair now

Poetry by loomer
Read 660 times
Written on 2006-10-31 at 02:52

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Kathy Lockhart
wow what a story. I like the ending. That barber got cut!

keith nunes
i like where you're coming from. this is so cool.