Third in a series of anti-war poems. This one provoked by the ludicrous farce that is the new 'War on Terror'.

War on Terror

Hunt on warmongers, those hungry dogs,
seek, scent, destroy
do not try to pretend this is more or less
than a new game, a new toy,
new lives to end

Bring your marines and their backup teams
Try to make us all embrace, extra wide doors and
plastic taste,
show us your shiny grin and tell us how
you can fit us all in.

Only you, it seems, may hold the key to dreams.
Only your ideas are valid in this world of pain.

Gentle Buddha can't compete
with the stamp of marching US feet,
Mohammad's mountain moves away
like the truth, as seen by your opponents,
it grows stronger every day.

Your form of Freedom lives only in the minds and hearts
of those who see and hear through you
and yours.

Don't pretend, don't lie, don't tell those fairy tales
Though flights of fancy do conceal what you really are,
a fact hidden from the broken minds of those who voted
and gave you the button...

but I see behind the mirror

I see what lies at the back of your eyes
I see the disdain you have for anyone who is not you

You talk of freedom, you believe in your own,
and you tell your followers that the the world should look
pleasing as defined by you, safe to your own, free to let you be free
You would not be surprised to know, it doesn't feel that way
to me?

Because I know that you don't love them.
I know you are just

The world watches you dance with wolves
I see how you smile,
how you bare your big teeth

Terrorise the rest of the world if you must,
but do not try to pretend you are right

Poetry by Carey Lenehan
Read 824 times
Written on 2006-11-04 at 11:09

Tags Terror  Conflict  Antiwar 

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I applaud this poem and its message!