I hate winter. Autumn, in all its beauty brings an end to summer and to what it represents.

In Fear of Winter

Slow sinks the sun at the end of the day
Soft in a high blown sky
Through many shifts of mood and pace
A sudden calm on a winding way
Many voices in my head
Many moments shared
A day of sunlight, shadows chased
Of Autumn here and summer dead

Soon comes winter, life will sleep
Close in the ground it hides
The chilled night air, frost comes fast
Down in the ground live secrets deep
Will I find a way to you
Will I keep you by
Caught by love, entrapped at last
In winter chilled and frozen through

Be in the calm of this sweet dusk
Live in the well of my heart
Fear not the distant miles between
Through solitude, endure we must
Can I bear this lonely path
Can I keep the faith
Lost in a world of silent dreams
And hiding the love in my heart

Poetry by Carey Lenehan
Read 1073 times
Written on 2006-11-04 at 11:46

Tags Love  Seasons  Winter 

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