
Hold me like I'm your lover
Kiss me like I'm your wife
Love me like sinners do

Take my clothes from my heated body
Lick the droplets from my passion
Do as you will and I shall surrender

The swell forms like a volcano and
oozes its moister around its lover
The moans become louder and echoes
though out the darkness

I wake to find no one there
My body begging to be embraced
Oh why did I wake to find no one there

Poetry by wbluerose02
Read 880 times
Written on 2006-12-09 at 19:58

Tags Sexy 

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lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
hi there a beautiful poem your poetry is so powerfu lwell done rgds mike

This is a wonderful text about the one you love and the wanting of them by your side. Good Job. : )

~Aaron Rowe