
I felt the cold steel upon my neck
not hard but enough to feel weak
I lost all thought to where I was
My loins wet and flowing beyond any control
I could ever have
I wanted to be farther then any dream I could have
ever wanted
Beyond any paradise I have ever dreamt of being
I wanted to lose myself into this ecstasy, but also
I had to gain my senses and build my strength to carry
me through
I wanted to go beyond the other side where
darkness lies
I need the passion within his hands and
the ecstasy that this axe gives
Lay me upon the fire twirl me into your
sweet desire
Cover me with your pain
Teach me to desire all you give
Shower me with this torture I crave
Cut me and leave a trail where I can't come back
in the life I use to have
Take me as you please devour me into
this web and turn me inside out
Show me no mercy as I surrender into
this pain
Down father then I have ever thought of
Hell captured my soul and branded me
into this slave I am
I sold my soul to give me pleasure of this pain
I need
For I shall remain his submissive
and give into his sinful pleasures

Poetry by wbluerose02
Read 1155 times
Written on 2007-01-09 at 02:01

Tags Erotica 

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