Inside, outside, upside down, I drown.

Drenched In Depletion

Rain, sheets of rain,
slivers of ice, arrows
of unrelenting rage, shoot
through the storms of life
pelting against the fragile
glass of the window that
shields my sanity. Cracked.
Howling winds tear through
my mind thrashing the windmills
of rational thought and hurling
them spinning, whipping, around
like pieces of gray matter confetti.
I am drenched in depletion, soaked
in acidic apprehension and fear, heavy
with the burdens of a barren hope.
Without shelter, I stand exposed
waiting for the last serrated bolt of
lightening to end this misery. I hear
only the constant roar of tormenting
thunder that causes me to cover my
ears and scream into the void with
head turn skyward, mouth wide opened,
eyes without sight. But no one hears
my cry, no one sees my tears. Its all
hidden by the rain. 

Kathy Lockhart

Poetry by Kathy Lockhart
Read 2852 times
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Written on 2006-12-22 at 04:23

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I needed to read this... Thanks for sharing!

Smiling thru my tears...

Phyllis J. Rhodes
You just took me to the movies during a poignant scene. She's walking on the sidewalks of London or Paris. All she has ever been or wanted to be, all she has love and has loved her, has been taken from her. It is Ingrid Bergman in a rain coat and hat, her pouting lips trembling. Her large long lashed eyes streaming with rain drenched tears, her face turned to the rain to wash all the agony of the day from her face. She leans her back against a brick cafe wall, outside the protection of the awning, and just lets the rain drown all her saddness.

Kathy I love this...and I love rain. Find a shelter in the storm dear.
This poem is drenched it beauty and open hearted expression. Excellent work.


Mark J. Wood
Sometimes rain is the best friend you can have - it doesn't judge you; it just cleanses and hugs you. Also, may I have my stomach back?

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Katherine this is a very powerful and a heart rending poem the use of continuous rain as an image of deep sadness is so vividly used but dont be sad please

i am bookmarking this brilliant text you really are a brilliant poet


This poem drew me in in the beginning, and never let me go, and probably will not ever. Wonderful write, great emotion, and internal ryhmes.


hmmm? and the rage is on :)
I do believe when it rains it hails and
the storms come knocken but they can't
come in!!:)
weeee !! weeee! Weeee :)
land ++++mooooooo too!! lol:)
heeeeeeeee hawwwwwwwwww
love ya I do I do I do I do I doooooooo


Wow. That's something pretty fast and furious. I love it! And the nature drenches it with such raw POWER!

Can you say... bookmarked?

Kathy I can sense the rage within this poem fighting to be resolved good Job!! *BOOKMARKED*

~Aaron Rowe