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I am Michael. I am a poet, as well as actor, singer-songwriter, and pianist.
I am Michael. I am a poet, as well as actor, singer-songwriter, and pianist.
weirdzarun34 years old from USA |
New Dawn (1) - 2009-07-17
Shakespearean Coffee (3) - 2009-04-26
Hilltop Tales (8) - 2008-11-22
Bored, Blind, and Light (5) - 2007-10-21
MY TEXTS, Archive 244 Texts
Rose (5) - 2009-12-18
I've got you (3) - 2009-12-11
New Poetland (3) - 2009-11-18
Bells (1) - 2009-10-17
h (3) - 2009-10-16
Light the Fire Inside (2) - 2009-08-05
Leo (2) - 2009-07-26
Haunt (1) - 2009-07-25
She's A Red Wonder pt 2 (2) - 2009-07-21
Me (1) - 2009-07-17
New Dawn (1) - 2009-07-17
Rex Rhapsody (2) - 2009-07-03
Eternity - 2009-05-28
She's A Red Wonder (2) - 2009-05-27
Riled Debacle - 2009-05-22
sofunny (1) - 2009-05-19
Battery Acid and Birds of Prey (1) - 2009-05-18
Shakespearean Coffee (3) - 2009-04-26
Nijuuhibaku Haiku (1) - 2009-04-17
Chaos (3) - 2009-03-18
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"Stay True"