...at this point, we realize what we once had and will forever long for it...

When Dreams Come True

...say something little one...

I see your smile and your eyes wandering as they capture the light

Look away for now little one as the elders fight

...don't become us...

Take our songs and sing them.

In your life you will bring them meaning

Little one you have come leaning on us for guidance

...we are as lost as you...

I wish i could dream as a child in its innocence

In no sense am i that but i have dreamed of exactly where i am at

...when i was young...

I dreamed of being large, with protruding veins and bigger hands

I dreamed of seeing mars, while eluding planes and escaping land

I dared to dream but now i'm scared to...

I have to scream but there's no air to...

I have learned to touch before grabbing

I dream of consequence while stabbing at my imagination

Imagine child that this will be you someday

...what else can i say...

Hold tight this day and dream little one

Take flight and continue to pray, as your fantasies ring true

...don't become us little one...

Deep down it's us that truly wish to be you.

Poetry by TheNakedPoet
Read 289 times
Written on 2007-01-26 at 21:32

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