Hell in a cage

Vers 1
Someday I'm gonna rise
From this hell I will disappear
I'll leave this gallery of pain
All through the years
I'm not gonna look back
On all of my old days
They won't do me no more tears

Life in a cage
Shouldn't frightened you
But on me it does
Scared and

Mystery calling
Queen of the damned
I start remembering
In the land of darkness
That's where I am
I wanna get out
I'm scared of this
I wanna get out
Take me out of this

Vers 2
Someday I'm gonna rise
I'll leave this hell in a cage
I'm gonna get out
I just need a little help
To unlock this hell
Of the past of my life
Don't have the power to cry


Vers 3
No more lonely tears
In this hell in a cage
I will disappear

Like a smile from above
You came to me
Offering an helping hand

Vers 3 fort.
But then you disappeared
And I continue my

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Words by Miss unknown
Read 935 times
Written on 2007-01-28 at 19:17

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