Queen of the damned

Queen of the damned
That's who I am.
A lonely life,
With only darkness in sight.
Reaching for something greater,
But it's too high up.

Queen of the damned,
No reasons for me to live.
No one who wants too listen,
And no one to comfort me when I'm feeling low.
But why I'm a so alone?
Why am I so scared of life?

Queen of the damned,
That's who I am.
I have no reason to live
But neither to die.
But why am I so alone?
And why can't I trust someone?

Queen of the damned
With no love in sight
And feeling so alone
That I just can't decide
Whether I should live or I should die.

Queen of the damned,
That's who I am!

Words by Miss unknown
Read 977 times
Written on 2007-11-15 at 22:49

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