this is my first sonnet ever, friends..
i'm sorry.. haha.


when diamonds no longer shine;

dark and empty is all i see,

numb and cold i feel your vine,

where have the chains gone between u & me?

the lost line on your visage,

and thumping echoes locked away.

my pair longs to see even your mirage

on by-gone frame i wish it'd stay.

where are your words with melody?

your promised key you bore in vain?

so let by-gones be gone 'tis unworthy,

change stars&sky, let it not fall again;

for raindrops and soliloquy

have always been part of me..

Sonnet by xXxmOstwantedxXx
Read 801 times
Written on 2007-02-18 at 15:09

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Loved this gorgeously flowing poem on the glory and pain of love. Diamonds in the souls of her shoes, Tai talking to herself again....