Oh! The whiles of a woman in the capturing of a man so soft so tender but so effective

Seduce Me By M.A.Meddings

Surreptitiously you take your hair up
Thus revealing your throat
Entertainingly you  kindly laugh at my jokes
Delightfully knowing you  make me feel
Just as any man would
Uncaringly lost in your  beauty
Considerately you wrinkle your nose as you smile
And your freckles show so  prettily
Engagingly you flash your eyes
How brightly they shine in capturing mine
Then momentarily you reveal your tongue
And nothing  so wrong in parting your lips like that
But enthrallingly so you seduce me

Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 645 times
Written on 2007-02-20 at 14:11

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Ah, you ARE a romantic writer. Sigh. I wrote a knight poem. I love to write knight poems. Thou shalt mayhaps come and read it? I smile. Your poem is filled with the most loving images and I LOVE it!

Karen Canning
this is very seductive it kinda makes you sigh as you read it, excellent writing


Phyllis J. Rhodes
Oh, those seductive women! And oh, you seductive man using your ways of describing being seduced by a woman to seduce a woman! I think you've been to school on this and women should take great care, but you know, they won't because they like it!
Yes, dear man, you romantic hero, this is a very, very good poem.

as ever you manage to walk the thin line always getting over to the other side having created wonderful pictures of love


Kathy Lockhart
this leaves me sighing. I don't know how else to express myself other than to let you know how it effects me physically. siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. xxxyb