My journey is over

My journey is over,
Is this really goodbye.
Am I really going to,
lay down and die.
Where's my mission,
What happened with my plan.
I thought you were,
my biggest fan.
Birdie, its over
Can you feel it inside your heart.
From now on and forever,
we will be apart.

Don't cry for me,
Please don't be sad,
My dearest friend,
Please don't be mad at

Beautiful angels,
Giving me their smile.
I'm looking down at you,
but just for a while.
I'm starting to miss you,
but I know it's too late.
My love for you was outstanding,
but you didn't thrust your faith.

Don't lie to yourself,
please don't let go
My dearest friend,
Please believe that I loved you

I'm sending a thought
So you can feel me near,
My dearest friend,
I wish you were here with

Poetry by Foolish
Read 846 times
Written on 2005-11-06 at 23:37

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