You took it all away

You said that you cared about me
I believed in you
Why shouldn't I?

You said that you always should be around
Taking care of me
Why did you lie?

You slowly walked away from me
Said that it wasn't me
It was you

You couldn't decide if you wanted me or not
Instead you stopped seeing me
Told me lies

I'm sitting back with all my thoughts
Wondering what's wrong with me
And what horrible did I do
To deserve to loose you

Are you with another girl
How come it's not me
Why can't you see
That my self confidence can't find its way home

You took it all away
Will I get it back one day?

Poetry by Foolish
Read 896 times
Written on 2005-11-07 at 17:35

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Yes, it's always hard to lose someone you love, especially if they use that horrible line, "it's not you, it's me"...Whatever! I can't blame men, 'cause some girls do it too...anyway, I like this poem...I felt like it once before...

John Ashleigh
It takes a person more bravery if it faced love, than ran from it. Brilliant peice. xxxx

Thanks for sharing - 4.

Loved it! The beauty of love is, now you can ask yourself, as time goes on, what is love, or lust? Take time to answer this.Thanks for sharing....