After walking home from school in the cold rain, I suddenly felt like writing this poem.

Real Hell

Don't cry, don't cry
I didn't die for nothing
Don't look up in the heavens
Because I am not there

Please don't pray for me
For I do not deserve it
I didn't die just for you
I am gone because of my selfishness

So please don't shed tears for me
I believed we all live in hell
And hell will follow us all
I wanted to see for myself if death is better

For all the wars that came to this world
Only more will come
Without peace
And expand

Human destroy this earth
Let them kill the air they inhale
Let them brown the water they drink
Live on this dying earth

Don't plead for me back
Let me start over
Please don't follow me
Live in the hell you're in

Poetry by Jenny Tran
Read 1014 times
Written on 2007-03-21 at 23:50

Tags Hell  Real  Jenny 

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