shhh.. I've got a secret

I know something you don't know.
And I will never tell you.
It's my secret.
And I'll die with it alone.

If you found out, it would hurt you.
Hurt you so badly.
You wouldn't be able to look at me.
But it got nothing to do with you
Or us.

It's about me and my past.
Because I like you, I keep secrets too.
To me it's a big one.
And no one else will ever know.

If you had studied me closely that one day,
Maybe you would have noticed.
But not even my best friend did,
So I'm sure the secret safe with me.

It happened right before I met you,
And it's a part of the reasons why
Why I'm with you, and nobody else.
But it's my secret
My burden.

So you can keep your secret.
I know you have one, your friend told me.
I wont nag you or pressure you to tell me.
But if and when you do, I'll might tell you mine.

That's not the reason why I don't tell you,
But if you want to know, you must scarify something too.
It lies heavy in my heart, worries me.
But, it makes me love you even more.

Poetry by heartbrokenone
Read 632 times
Written on 2007-04-18 at 14:23

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I really liked the opening. And the title of it.
But somehow it lost some of the mystery along the line. And the end became somewhat dull.
But appart from that, a good poem.

i feel this poem
i really ,really do
i no exactly what you mean
all the best of luck love
lovely poem