© Broken Foot '07


Go to the hill

of my cheek

near my eye

Don't stay among

the sprouting trees

of my neck

But whisper

in the cave

of my ear

That you love me.

Poetry by Broken Foot
Read 1014 times
Written on 2007-07-10 at 00:19

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Zoya Zaidi
Dear Eric, I love every word of the poem and the whole lanscape of your face!
Nice to have you back friend!
Love, Zoya

Intense, playful, tender, humorous: A delightful text!
It's good to see you're back!

cool poem there is an atmosphere of love in it short and beautiful

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
cool work Mr broken foot and its good to sxee you writing here again
rgds mike

Brilliant!, at first you left the reader with a little bit of mystery and then gently you ease the readers curiosity to advise off your deepest desire. This was excellently done.. absolutely loved it

M Heathcote
Hi Broken foot

Yes I too I like this one!

M Heathcote
Hi Broken foot

Yes I too Ilike this one!

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
This is good - it does feel like a sensuous map. I enjoyed reading, thanx

Elle x