© Broken Foot '07


Human, truth is your name.

A lie is your life.

Hurt is your fruit, and longing your food.

Everchange is your truest companion.

The voice of loneliness, your thought.

Love your only true aim.

Poetry by Broken Foot
Read 956 times
Written on 2007-11-17 at 17:33

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bookmarked ! :)

A very thought provoking and true write on the human condition BF, I would have preferred the hurt as the food and the longing the fruit, for some reason it just made more sense, if there is any rhyme or reason of life? A very inspiring write, smiling at you, evolving, Tai

Zoya Zaidi
Ah, Eric! Nice to read your strong words after a long, long time
How are you doing?
(((Welcome-Back Hugs)))
Love, Zoya