when feelings overpower you entirely....and dreams become your refuge.....

A world of your own

Sick of everything around you
Fed up of hating the world
Everything locked inside your chest
Inside a world of your own

Can't help being always stressed
Nothing you do every seems right
Everything just pissing you off
Somehow you can't find the light

Running more into trouble
Wishing things could just end
Trying hard to please people
But just tripping all over again

Hoping you'd just disappear
Fade far into space
Dying to start over
So you could fix everything in place

Sit and just feel like crying
Wondering if anyone knows
That everything's going opposite
And you yearn for a world of your own

Poetry by jay
Read 703 times
Written on 2007-10-03 at 19:19

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one of many
i loved it :o)