Our perception of reality interwines sounds and images

ranslated from the French

Bird's chant

Though of feathers and flesh, you're nonetheless of flight.
Do you carry this chant? Does this chant carry you?
Crystal gem born from ore -opaque- gateway or tomb,
The source of your voice was by elation denied.

Look-out who claims to set to your soaring your law,
You forget that a blade is stronger than a wing
(If our fate may be ruled by stars dead but gleaming,
Which word does through your mouth convey faith and credo?)

But, echoing your shade and mirroring your chant,
You clothe in trills the cloud of which you're occupant,
Unaware that you are akin to death and night,

A sword has set apart your warbling and your wing
And the song now resounds calling for their wedding
So that blood may be stirred by never dawning light.


De plumes et d'un corps et de vol toutefois.
Est-ce toi qui le chant ou le chant qui te porte?
Cristal né du métal -opaque- tombe ou porte,
Ton ivresse niait la source de ta voix.

Vigie à ton essor voulant fixer tes lois,
Oubliant que la lame est plus que l'aile forte
(Si tissent nos destins les feux d'étoiles mortes,
Quel verbe par ta bouche achemine sa foi?)

Mais écho, de ton ombre ombre et reflet, mirage
Qui de trilles vêtu habites le nuage,
Ignorant que ton frère est de mort et de nuit,

Le glaive sépara ta musique et ton aile
Et le chant désormais à leurs noces appelle
Pour qu'éveille le sang ce jour qui n'a pas lui.

Sonnet by Michel Galiana
Read 1271 times
Written on 2007-12-24 at 18:15

Tags Galiana  Bird  Perception 

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