Translated from the French

Though your voice

Though your voice, though your gait obsess my memory,
They're but shadows, lost thoughts, echoes that never passed.
A shroud of drowsiness fell on our history.
Over shimmering waters your face glides, blurry,
But not my beating hope, but not my foundered past.

What could cancel the hours that we spent together,
If your mildness in me that rises and quivers
Is a much harder core than rock or column shaft?

Si ta voix

Si ta voix, si ton pas habitent ma mémoire
Ils sont ombres, oublis et appels jamais tus.
Un voile de sommeil tombe sur notre histoire.
Ton visage sombré glisse au flot qui se moire,
Mais non l'espoir qui bat, non ce passé qui fut.

Rien n'éteint les moments où nous fumes ensemble -
Et ta douceur en moi qui se lève et qui tremble
Est plus tenace grain que le roc et le fût.

Poetry by Michel Galiana
Read 1192 times
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Written on 2010-11-16 at 00:38

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Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
This text has been chosen to be featured on the front page of PoetBay. Thank you for posting it on our poetry web site.

Strength lies in these memories. Gives us hope to carry on.

I think this speaks for everyone who ever had a moment they wished could last forever, a memory that they could bring back to the present.
I particularly liked the line "a shroud of drowsiness fell on our history".
So descriptive!
Thanks for sharing,
Liam CB