An erotic valentine not for the under 18's

Trembling Ecstacy a co written valentine by Anais and Adonis Again

Sweet sensuality
Is you
Warm and welcoming
Soft gentle sighs
As I touch you
Gasps of surprise as I
In majestic glory
Find you
And smoothly welcoming

Scents and secretions
Our bodies inflamed
My lips moist
My tongue searching
Serpentine arousal
O the flavor, the succulence
The passionate fruits
Of ultimate desire

Oh what fire
This love doth inspire
What flames
What ecstacy
What erotic sensation
In the touching of you
oh that i might hold you
And find with fevered tongue
The secret glory of you
As I am drawn helplessly
To the beauty of your breasts
Oh what fire
This love doth Inspire

This paradise
This arbor of sweet seductions
Tastes of the Angels
Let me dine at your table
Supping upon your delights
Fill me with your strength
Your mighty power
O how I adore the sight of you
My eyes long to see
My hands eager to touch
Your body, now aroused, glistens
See me my love as I arch in eagerness
Waiting for the your entry

Such sweet entry
such sweet union
rhymic undulations to the ringing
Of a sybarritic guitar
Soft billowing of window drapes
On jasmine scented evening breeze
soft yielding sighs
Taut muscular power
Taking of you
Gentle collapsed fulfilment
And the afterglow
tender touching of you

Again arousal takes me
makes me
move slowly, rhythmic
to the sensation of your touch
I call your name
Please, baby, please enter me
once again
Let me feel your power
as with each thrust you excite me
delight me
The moans of desire are exquisite
I am lost in ecstasy
rising to orgasmic elation
Kiss me now
Quiet my thrilled expressions
and leave me
sighing and trembling in complete

Poetry by Adonis Again
Read 1197 times
Written on 2008-02-14 at 06:47

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lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
you cheeky young pups gosh i feel my age now
lololoolol well done for your descriptive text. rgds mike