Death sentence

should any man be killed?
should a ruler be killed for governance?
I watch leader with bloody blunders
Still shining and puffing in governance

At this age and time, should a man be killed?
While we've got the power to sentence for life
Should a man takes another's life?

Iraq still bleed from the assumption of world power
And the number of the dead is still rising
We went for nuclear but we've got Saddam for murder?
And the unnecessary war is still on, regardless of the pricing

Should a leader be killed for ruling his people?
Shouldn't a murderer be sentenced to life?
The killing should stop now
Jesus christ was killed with unnecessary law

Poetry by Saheed Giwa
Read 830 times
Written on 2008-09-01 at 15:43

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Phyllis J. Rhodes
Jesus die for a reason. It was a horrible but necessary death that he went to voluntarily because of his love for us. Saddam tortured, raped and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people to maintain his power. He would have certainly used nuclear power to kill millions to gain more power. If an innocent man died to make a way for everyone to be free from death, is it wrong to kill an evil man who murdered anyone who tried to tell others about The Liberator?