My thoughts on transcending oneself

Dichotomous Existence

Deep within myself
Lost amongst richly and vibrantly painted, oceanic waves.
They're so lovely
And dazzlingly
And their silken folds envelop me.

Oh! But...
When I am lost, amidst my own velvet warm embrace
I have only me.
My soul's many fascinatingly complex layers open
To reveal only a simple grain of consciousness,
A lonely dot thrust through eternal space.

But No.
I will open,
Expand this singularity.

When I surrender unto your energies
To wherever you choose to send me,
To let your pigments permeate me
To feel each wave of light infuse me
Then, I DO live and I must unearth you
Must discover all of you
And embrace your own colors, flavors, and your own endless complexity.
Me is me will always be and can transcend that distinctness of consciousness.

I long anew
To connect and become you,
To lose Self within the enfolding, upon enfolding, of bright intense dim heights of love bottomless pits of despair hopelessness rage euphoria even complacency.

Let me lose myself in the melodies, harmonies, and ESPECIALLY the dissonances of your soul.

Let's mesh Let's merge our senses ideas beings.
Me + You You You You...

Poetry by Namaste
Read 845 times
Written on 2008-12-04 at 01:43

Tags Enlightenment  Transcend  Consciousness 

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Eli The PoetBay support member heart!
I agree with Kathy. I had a real sense of being carried away in reading this text. Thank You. ❉

Kathy Lockhart
i felt I was traveling on waves with ethereal wings carrying me on and on and on...